Ricardo R. Saavedra Hidalgo, CNC, BSc. M.Ed. PhD,
Director & Chair International Programs

Director and Legal representative of “Universidad Azteca International Network System” and Founder and General Director of “Pro-Innovation Solutions SC”, a consulting firm that provides service to transnational corporations, universities, governments and organizations in different countries like Mexico, United States, European Union, Malaysia, China, Taiwan, Bolivia, Peru, Honduras, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and Costa Rica.

He has more than 19 years of experience as business consultant, with several executive positions worldwide. He has implemented successful operation in national and international companies and organizations. He has implemented educational technology, successful administrative design, application of acceleration models and innovation, setting out diagnosis and design of organizational structure. He has also created maps of leadership and integration of effective corporate team work. He is a consultant member for United Nations for more than 9 years; he also collaborates with UNESCO and DPI NGO Section at UN.

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Berchtold, PGDipEDM, MBA, MPA, MA, LLM, PhD
Decano de Programas Europeos

Director of Business School Direct, Innsbruck, Austria the European Branch Center representative of Universidad Azteca, an Austrian scholar, management consultant, environmental policy advisor and businessman he is experienced in higher education provision and management.

Since the 1980ies, Professor Berchtold has held a wide range of professional management and policy management experience, as well as distance education management and lecturing, research and consulting experiences. He has served the Austrian national Parliament and the European Parliament as consultant and assistant, was a full-vote member of the Austrian Superfund Commission (Altlastensanierungskommission), he used to be the administrative and political director of a fraction of the Tirol State Legislature. He has won awards including the Austrian annual prize for environment and public administration proposals, Oekomanager 2000, and is also a Salzburg Seminar alumnus (Environment and Diplomacy, 1994). He has published numerous publications and contributed substantially to both, international business at the operational level in terms of projects, facilities and technologies. Professor Berchtold has linguistic proficiency in German, English, Italian, Spanish and French.

Prof. Dr. Christa Zuberbühler MBA MPA MSc CMC

Christa Zuberbühler vereint durch ihre akademische Ausbildung Technik-Wirtschaft-Psychologie und wird zur Praxis ausgerichteten Unternehmensberaterin und zertifizierten Wirtschaftstrainerin. Sie ist seit vielen Jahren Beraterin für technische und wirtschaftliche Problemstellungen. Außerdem ist sie Sachbuchautorin, eingetragene Mediatorin und Lehrmediatorin weil sie u.a. die WirtschaftsMediation als die Methode erkennt, brach liegende Kreativitätspotenziale ihrer Kunden zu wecken und lösungsorientiert zu bündeln.

Prof. Lic. Dr. Urs Gruber MSc MA MC

Prof. Dr.phil. Dr. Peter Christian Endler, BSc, MAS

cand. med. 1980 in Graz. Dr. phil. 1988 in Humanbiologie in Wien 1990 – 2000 Projektleiter am Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für Homöopathie in Graz. 1994 – 2000 Vertragsprofessor an der Universität Urbino, Italien (Methodik omplementärheilkundlicher Grundlagenforschung). Seit 2000 Leiter des Interuniversitären Kolleg für Gesundheit und Entwicklung Graz / Schloss Seggau ( und des Masterlehrganges für komplementäre Gesundheitswissenschaften. 2006 Gastlektor am Peninsula Postgraduate Health Institute der Universitäten Plymouth und Exeter. WHO-Experte für Grundlagenforschung in der Homöopathie. Leiter eines transnationalen EU-Projektes zur Qualitätssicherung in der Lehre zur komplementären Heilkunde (Leonard da Vinci). Vizepräsident der internationalen Gesellschaft für Hochverdünnungsforschung. Leiter des Entwicklungsteams „Studiengang integratives Gesundheitsmanagement“ an der Fachhochschule Joanneum, Graz. Forschung und Fachpublikationen zu komplementärmedizinischen Themen, Betreuung von Masterthesen. Als zweiter Schwerpunkt Ausbildung in Gruppenpsychoanalyse (Psychotherapeut i.A.u.S., ÖAGG Wien), auch diesbezügliche Forschung und Fachpublikationen, insbesondere zur Gesundheit in helfenden Berufen.

Prof. Dr. Poa Chun Seong, Ph.D, Ed.D, M.Sc, MBA, BA, DipFM

Professor Dr. Poa is a lifelong learner, qualified trainer and accountant, always seeks new knowledge and apply it in business ventures. His study and research areas focus in accounting & financial, strategic business management, leadership and entrepreneurship. He has established few businesses in different industries such as education, skills development, training, and tourism & F&B businesses in Malaysia & overseas. Professor Dr. Poa has 20 years of professional experiences in new business set up and financing; operation & marketing; buying & selling businesses and government licensing. He also provides management consultancy services for companies and invest in new start-up businesses.

Prof. Hubert Dollack, Bsc MSc MEng MBA PhD

Prof. Hubert Dollack, Bsc MSc MEng MBA PhD, holds master degrees in Business Administration, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering, and a PhD in Economics and Administration. He is a full professor of Universidad Azteca and UCN, and lecturer with numerous institutions of higher education, e.g. the Steinbeis Hochschule Berlin. Prof. Dollack has ample experience in higher education provision and management.

Prof. MMag. Dr. Mario Art, MSc, MBA, MPA

Deputy Managing Director of the Branch of Financial Services of the Vienna Economic Chamber, Austria (European Union) he has published scientific papers and publications, and years of substantial experience in higher education.Director of the “Financial Services Management” within the Faculty of Business Administration and International Commerce (Administración de Empresas, Comercio Internacional) framework, “Professor of Management, Finance and Economics with this new branch-campus and joint programme with FAF (Fachakademie fuer Finanzdienstleister), Vienna.

Dimitris Koumparoulis

Dr Dimitrios Koumparoulis, Ph.D. holds the position of Professor of Economics at UGSM-Monarch Business School. Dr. Koumparoulis has served at: the OSE’s economic department, the National Bank of Greece (Business Loans), the Central Bank of Greece (Economic Research Division) and the Panteion University of Political and Social Sciences (Department of Public Administration – Economic Sector). Dr. Koumparoulis is also a Professor of Economics at the Universidad Azteca in Mexico. He is a permanent member of the Economic Chamber of Greece since 2003.
Dr. Koumparoulis holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Univesidad Azteca, a Master of Science in Economics from the Athens University of Economics and Business and a Bachelor of Arts in Economic and Regional Development from Panteion University of Political and Social Sciences.

Academic Positions Held
• Professor of Economics, UGSM-Monarch Business School, Switzerland
• Professor of Economics, Univesidad Azteca, Mexico
• Faculty Instructor of Economics, Panteion University Political and Social Sciences
Academic Credentials
• Ph.D. Economics, Universidad Azteca, Mexico
• M.Sc. Economics, Athens University of Economics and Business
• B.A. Economics & Regional Development, Panteion University of Political and Social Sciences

Awards & Honors
• State Scholarship Foundation
• The Foundation for Education and European Culture
• Referee, Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy
• Referee, African Journal of Marketing Management

Prof. DDr. Eszter Bánffy

Children´s psychologist, has been leading a Children´s centre for the development of creativity since 1974. Parents with autistic children started bringing their children to the Centre a few years later. As there was no therapy programme yet available, Dr. Bánffy started from scratch and found it necessary, after having gained extensive knowledge about the illness, to create an association «For the help of autistic children» and found the Rehabilitation Centre offering therapeutic care for the affected children and adolescents as well as counselling and support for their parents. More than 200 children from Austria and abroad (Germany, Italy, Hungary, France, Greece and Russia) partake of the therapy every year.

Director of “Akademie für Lebens- und Sozialberatung Tirol” offering a 3-year postsecondary programme for the regulated profession of “life and social consultant”.
Director of Innsbruck Branch Campus – Psychology programmes.


Professor of Business Administration and Organisational Psychology in Greece

Memberships AMBAI – American Management and Business Administration Institute, USA. IAM – Institute of Administrative Management, UK. BME – Business
Management Executives, Austria. IMHRP – Institute of Management of Human Resources Potential of EEDE, GREECE. AISA – American Institute of Schools Administrators, USA.

Prof. Lic. Dr. Michael Sageder, MBA, Ak.IM
Professor of Bio-Energetic Health Sciences

Michael Sageder of Austria is a medical massage and bio-energetic treatment therapist, holding numerous professional certificates and licences, and the Universidad Azteca professor in Bio-Energetic Health Sciences. He holds a Diploma in Facility Management, a MBA in General Management degree, a Licenciado degree in Psychology and a professional Doctorate in Bio-Energetic Health Sciences. A wide range of professional and higher education offers.

Prof. Arnaldo Becher Merli, B.Sc., MBA, M.Ed. Ph.D.
Professor and Faculty Member for International Relations and Public Diplomacy

Professor and Faculty Member specialized in E-Learning Research & International Higher Education with main focus on Peace Studies, Conflict Resolution, International Relations and Public Diplomacy.

During his professional trajectory he has worked at  various United Nation Agencies, Funds and Programmes such as; United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Development Fund for Woman(UNIFEM), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Food Agriculture Organization (FAO), Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), Organization for Security and  Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and also at the Homeland Security Defence Coalition Org.

As faculty member he provides guidance and management to students using the global, web-based services of the university platform. While he provides ‘whole-scope’ services, his focus is on academic support to areas of studies related to conflict, post-conflict and addressing emerging security threats.

Prof. Karl Nielsen, Dipl.-Soz., Dipl.-Psych., PhD
Lecturer of Coaching and NLP – Psychology

“Diplom-Soziologe” at the Free University of Berlin. “Diplom-Psychologe” at the Free University of Berlin, researcher and lecturer with the Freie Universitaet Berlin and Sozialpaedagogisches Institut Berlin. PhD in Psychology. Founder of the International Association of NLP Institutes and Director of the Department of Human Communication. Full Professorship awarded by UCN in Coaching and NLP Psychology. He has published and lectured over a period of two decades, and has achieved substantial scientific breakthroughs in development and promotion of NLP and Coaching as academic study areas and in provision of higher education in these areas.

Prof. Nandana Nielsen, Dipl.-Soz., Dipl.-Psych., PhD
Lecturer of Coaching and NLP – Psychology

“Diplom-Soziologe” at the Free University of Berlin. “Diplom-Psychologe” at the Free University of Berlin, researcher and lecturer with the Freie Universitaet Berlin and Sozialpaedagogisches Institut Berlin. PhD in Psychology. Founder of the International Association for Coaching Institutes and Director of the Department of Human Communication. Full Professorship awarded by UCN in Coaching and NLP Psychology. He has published and lectured over a period of two decades, and has achieved substantial scientific breakthroughs in development and promotion of NLP and Coaching as academic study areas and in provision of higher education in these areas.
15 professional articles, 2 books:

– «Familienhelfer als Familienanwalt» (1984 beim Deutschen Verein)
«Sozialpädagogische Familienhilfe – Probleme. Prozesse und Langzeitwirkungen» (1986 beim Beltz Verlag).

Prof. Muhammad Ali, Ph.D. (C)OACCPP
Psychology and Psychotherapy

Muhammad Ali received his M.Sc. in Psychology and his Ph.D. in Psychology. He is a certified psychotherapist with the Ontario Association of Consultants, Counsellors, Psychometrists and Psychotherapists, a certified counsellor with the Canadian Counselling Association, a Registered professional counsellor with the Canadian Professional Counsellors Association and a certified hypnotherapist and instructor with American Board of Hypnotherapy. He is a Registered member of the Homeopathy Medical Association in Canada and a Registered Psychologist in the Pakistan Psychological Association. He has been providing psychotherapy and counselling in Canada and overseas for the last twelve years. He is also a visiting Clinical Psychologist at the District Hospital in Faisalabad and Mental Hospital Lahore, Pakistan. In Canada, he has worked as psychotherapist at the Daystorm Family Resource Center in North York, Ontario, and at the Stress Centre in Hamilton, Ontario. Muhammad Ali is the director of the Canadian Psychotherapy Centre and senior psychotherapist and counsellor. Over the years, Muhammad Ali has presented numerous papers on depression, aggressive behaviour in children, psychotherapy, and cross-cultural counselling. Currently, Muhammad Ali has been training in GDV Camera (Beogram Testing) which is an innovative new technology that provides clinicians with information on stress and anxiety levels.

Ass. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Peter Hodecek, MBA

Lecturer in Waste and Environmental Management, Acquisitions and Mergers, Strategic Management, Due Diligence Audits

Peter Hodecek holds a doctorate in environmental technology and water management, a specialist in waste management. CEO of AVE Czech Republik, and chief strategist of AVE International, Austria´s leading multinational waste management company. Numerous publications, papers, lectures and speeches on waste management. He used to be a researcher for the Austrian Institute of Public Health.

Ass. Prof. Kom.-Rat Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Helmut Ogulin, MBA
Lecturer in Waste and Environmental Management, Recycling of Waste Oils and Plastic Wastes

Helmut Ogulin holds a graduate degree in environmental technology and water management, and a doctorate in waste management. CEO of Baufeld Austria, Austria´s leading waste oil and subsidiary fuels recycling supplier for the cement industry. Kom.-Rat Helmut Ogulin is the executive chairman of the federal branch of waste and waste water industries within the mandatory representation of businesses Federal Economic Chamber system of Austria. Helmut Ogulin is a specialist on the recycling of waste oils and plastic wastes by subsidizing primary fuels in industries.

Lic. Franz Clemens Pichler, AEM, MBA, MPA

Lecturer in Catastrophe and Emergency Response Management, Health Sciences, Management

Ing. Helmut Koger, MBA, MPA

Lecturer in Pharmaceutics-Management

He has more than 19 years of experience as business consultant, with several executive positions worldwide. He has implemented successful operation in national and international companies and organizations. He has implemented educational technology, successful administrative design, application of acceleration models and innovation, setting out diagnosis and design of organizational structure. He has also created maps of leadership and integration of effective corporate team work. He is a consultant member for United Nations for more than 9 years; he also collaborates with UNESCO and DPI NGO Section at UN.


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