Post-Doctoral research is an academic research carried by Doctoral Scholars (students) who have completed their doctoral studies. Postdoctoral fellows can retrieve some of the suitable resources in their areas of interest and will help them in building collaborative relations with miscellaneous universities. Following are some the available Post-Doctoral Degree Programs.

The Doctor of Science (D.Sc.), Doctor of Literature (D.Litt.) and Doctor of Laws (LL.D.) are the highest post-doctoral degrees Azteca University.

  • Doctor of Sciences, (D.Sc.) Degree in the disciplines of Science, Engineering, Technology and other related areas;
  • Doctor of Letters (D.Litt., Litt.D., D. Lit., or Lit. D. ) Degree in the disciplines of Business, Humanities, Social Sciences, Design, Creative Arts and other related areas;
  • Doctor of Laws, (LL.D.) Degree in the discipline of Law and other related areas to a candidate whose work and research have made distinct contributions to the advancement of knowledge.


Eligibility for D.Sc.

A candidate who is awarded Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree in the disciplines of Science, Engineering, Technology and other related areas by Azteca University or degree recognized equivalent thereto from any other university may present his/her candidacy for the degree of Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) provided he/she must have:

Done post-doctoral work in Science, Engineering, Technology and other related areas for a minimum period of 2 years and have published 10 research papers or indexed journals as first or corresponding author.


Post Ph.D. experience of more than 2 years in Science, Engineering, Technology and other related areas, 2 patents (at least 1 international patent) in relevant discipline and his/her research work and efforts should have national and international recognition and have made a distinct contribution to the society and advancement of knowledge.


Post Ph.D. experience of more than 2 years in Science, Engineering, Technology and other related areas, at least three recommendations/ referrals of his research or contribution from nationally/ internationally recognized experts in the concerned field and his/her work and effort which should have made a distinct contribution to the society and advancement of knowledge.

Eligibility for D.Litt.

A candidate who is awarded Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree in the disciplines of Business, Humanities, Social Sciences, Design, Creative Arts and other related areas by Azteca University or degree recognized equivalent thereto from any other University may present his/her candidacy for the Doctor of Literature (D.Litt.) provided that he/she:

Done post-doctoral work in Business, Humanities, Social Sciences, Design, Creative Arts and other related areas for a minimum period of 2 years and has published 10 research papers in Scopus indexed journals as first author or corresponding author.     


Post Ph.D. experience of more than 2 years in Business, Humanities, Social Sciences, Design, Creative Arts and other related areas,  at least three recommendations/ referrals of his research/ contribution from nationally/ internationally recognized experts of concerned field and his/her work and efforts has made distinct contributions to the society and advancement of knowledge.

Eligibility for LL.D.

A candidate who is awarded Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree in the discipline of Law and related areas by this Azteca University or degree recognized equivalent thereto from any other University may present his/her candidacy for the Doctor of Laws (LL.D.) provided that he/she has: 

Minimum 2 years post Ph.D. teaching experience and has published 10 research papers indexed journals as first author or corresponding author.


Have  post Ph.D. experience of more than 2 years in the discipline of law and related areas, at least three recommendations/referrals of his work or contribution from nationally/internationally recognized experts of concerned field and his/her work and efforts has made distinct contributions to the society in the field of law.

Acceptance Policies

1. Other than in exceptional circumstances, a candidate for the Degree of D.Sc. / D.Litt./ or LL.D.  shall be a graduate of Universidad Azteca or a recognized university. 

2. No candidate shall present himself or herself for the D.Sc. / D.Litt./ or LL.D.  until at least eight years after graduation to his or her first undergraduate degree. 

3. The Degrees of D.Sc. / D.Litt./ or LL.D. shall be awarded for an original contribution (or contributions) of special excellence to linguistics, literary, philosophical, social or historical knowledge. 

4. The Degree shall be awarded only on work, whether sole or conjoint, published in book form or in scholarly journals in general circulation. 

5. No work shall be considered for the Degree if the work, or major portion thereof, has previously formed the basis of an award of any degree or diploma in this or any other university.

6. A candidate shall make application in writing to be examined, and such application, accompanied by the Post-Doctoral Tuition Fees, together with:

a. Thesis Proposal to be examined and approved


b. A statutory declaration which shall: 

(i) State the extent to which the work is the candidate’s own, and (in the case of a conjoint work) identify as clearly as possible which parts are the candidate’s own 


(ii) State what portion (if any) of the work submitted has been previously presented for a degree or diploma of Universidad Azteca or any other university, 


(iii) declare that the work in substantially its present form has not been previously accepted for the award of a degree or diploma in this or any other university and is  not being concurrently submitted for a degree or diploma in any other university.