The Dr. Agustin Yoh International Postdoctoral Fellowship (DAYIPF) is an international scholarship for the individuals having outstanding merit on a field of study in relation to Management, Social Science, Psychology, Education, Information Science, Information Technology, Engineering and other approved field of studies. The application is only suitable for the distinguished academician and researchers.
Difference with other Fellowship:
Most of the International Post-Doctoral Fellowship are open to the fresh PhDs/ Doctoral Degree holder to engage and work on a research project in an institutions, centres of group of organization with the benefits of adhoc remuneration, The Dr. Agustin Yoh International Postdoctoral Fellowship (DAYIPF) is suitable only for the Outstanding International and Mature Scholar (with PhD and Post-Doctoral Research Experiences) and significant evidence of knowledge contribution) in the field of study which comes with the benefit of distinguish Award (if selected) called ‘The Dr. Agustin Yoh International Postdoctoral Fellow’ as a Diploma/ Honor of the Universidad Azteca/ Azteca University, Mexico. Further they may avail (if applied & selected by the board) the full freeship to the Higher/ Post-Doctoral Degree of the University with proper applications, documentation, and submission of the thesis. However, in certain cases candidates after selection of DAYIPF can go opt the academic activities/ Post-Doctoral Work engagement at the University Campuses for the adhoc fellowship amount (subject to availability of fund/ grant/ approval) and if not interested and recommended to the Post-Doctoral Degrees.
It is important that candidate not selected for the (DAYIPF) or with less expertise can move with general Post-Doctoral Degree only (without Fellowship Award) of the Azteca University with standard/ regular fees.

Additional Benefits:
Candidates selected as (DAYIPF) and recommended for the Post/Higher Doctoral Degree of the University may get following additional benefits.
· Freeship in Application, Processing Charges of the University.
· Full Fee waiver on program fees regarding Post-Doctoral Degree (at present offered D.Sc. D.Litt, LL.D. and may extend in future)
· Full fess waiver on attending few recommended courses (if only recommended)
· Full Fess waiver on thesis submission, evaluation charges.
· Full fees on registration fees for attending convocation/ special convocation and/ or on postal charges regarding the final award or diploma in hardcopy/ sealed thesis to your address.

Candidates interested in The Dr. Agustin Yoh International Postdoctoral Fellowship may send their application (with signature) to the Director & Chair of International Program of Azteca University, by email and can be submitted any time of the year.
Candidates interested in application to The Dr. Agustin Yoh International Postdoctoral Fellowship must attach all the testimonials, academic and professional records, enhanced CV with list of publications.
The related publications or ongoing work must be send to the University Preliminary Review and consideration of the Fellow Status.
After Selection:
Candidates if selected, firstly will get the Letter of Selection followed by concerned Fellowship Certificate/ Diploma on The Dr. Agustin Yoh International Postdoctoral Fellow.
The candidates having such Fellow status of the University in short may refer as Fellow of Azteca University/ Universidad Azteca & in short may refer as F.A.U. Selected candidates if recommended and interested to the Post-Doctoral Degree then he/she can register officially (in online application systems) at the earliest and must be within next two years and thereafter registration and ID card will be issues.
Further candidates if selected and awarded Fellow Position and continuing Post-Doctoral degree may need to undertake the courses (if applied or recommended by the Council) and including final research proposal, proposed thesis overview, existing and coming contribution etc.
The Thesis may be with Publications or in Traditional Form. It is required to complete the work minimum 2 Years from the date of joining.
However, candidate already having outstanding and sufficient work and minimum 4 years’ experience may submit the thesis earlier with the permission of the Chancellor and the Director & Chair of International Programs.
It is expected to work in the field individually. However, based on interest of the candidate supervisor/s (maximum two) may be approved specially for the formation of the thesis.
Place of work:
The candidates selected only for the The Dr. Agustin Yoh International Postdoctoral Fellowship Award there is concern of place of work as the award is offered based on the candidate’s post-doctoral research performance. However, if the selected candidate continues and recommended for the Post-Doctoral Degree, then the place of work could be Azteca University Campus/ Approved Institutions for the moderate researchers. Candidates selected for The Dr. Agustin Yoh International Postdoctoral Fellowship and joined any postdoctoral research project without any move to the Post-Doctoral Degree, in such case the place of engagement would be consider as place of research work.
In case of matured researchers and already having good number and quality of work and recommended for the submission of the thesis based on publications; and in this context the place of work deemed to be the current/ existing institutes where the candidate has working/ worked. Therefore, it may be multiple institutes where the candidate has pursued the research work and published accordingly. Even any new institutes may also approve if recommended by the board/ council towards the final completion of the research/thesis/program.
After Thesis Submission:
The submitted work for the consideration of the Post-Doctoral Degree will be evaluated by the experts from the panel of the examiners as recommended by the Chancellor and the Director & Chair of International Programs.
On final completion of the Program the selected candidate may refer as previous honor/ award i.e. The Dr. Agustin Yoh International Postdoctoral Fellowship and also the Post-Doctoral Degree holder of the university.

Prof. Dr.Ricardo Saavedra Hidalgo,
Director & Chair International Programs
UNIVERSIDAD AZTECA (Azteca University)